News 13 Midday New Live Component Version: 2023-03-16T22-45Z She is being held without bond pending arraignment in Carroll County General District Court. Brat said the numbers show the labor market is still strong. The juvenile charged with murder was arrested in another jurisdiction and will be transferred to W.W. Moore Detention Center pending trial. Central Virginia News Monday afternoon, the Miller Center of Public affairs at UVA invited the public to witness a conversation between the center’s CEO and an attorney who played a big role in the January 6 investigation. The University of Virginia police department is investigating a shooting that happened on the corner overnight Friday. Police put out a tweet about 3 am Saturday reporting a shooting on Elliewood Avenue. Police say one person who is not affiliated with UV
Insurance Montana Free Press Illustration by Kaiser Health News. Health LATEST FROM KHN KFF is currently looking to hire a California Correspondent to join California Healthline. Despite official policies, people regularly leave prison or jail lacking medications, medical records, a provider appointment, or health insurance. About 84% of men and 92% of women who were incarcerated had a physical or mental health condition or substance use disorder, according to a sample of people interviewed before and after their release from prison by the Urban Institute, a nonprofit that researches issues around equity. Want to receive this newsletter every weekday? Subscribe to POLITICO Pro. You’ll also receive daily policy news and other intelligence you need to act on the day’s biggest stories.
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News 13 Midday New Live Component Version: 2023-03-16T22-45Z She is being held without bond pending arraignment in Carroll County General District Court. Brat said the numbers show the labor market is still strong. The juvenile charged with murder was arrested in another jurisdiction and will be transferred to W.W. Moore Detention Center pending trial. Central Virginia News Monday afternoon, the Miller Center of Public affairs at UVA invited the public to witness a conversation between the center’s CEO and an attorney who played a big role in the January 6 investigation. The University of Virginia police department is investigating a shooting that happened on the corner overnight Friday. Police put out a tweet about 3 am Saturday reporting a shooting on Elliewood Avenue. Police say one person who is not affiliated with UV
Insurance Montana Free Press Illustration by Kaiser Health News. Health LATEST FROM KHN KFF is currently looking to hire a California Correspondent to join California Healthline. Despite official policies, people regularly leave prison or jail lacking medications, medical records, a provider appointment, or health insurance. About 84% of men and 92% of women who were incarcerated had a physical or mental health condition or substance use disorder, according to a sample of people interviewed before and after their release from prison by the Urban Institute, a nonprofit that researches issues around equity. Want to receive this newsletter every weekday? Subscribe to POLITICO Pro. You’ll also receive daily policy news and other intelligence you need to act on the day’s biggest stories.
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